
Introduction & Eligibility Criteria


Clearcorp Dealing Systems (India) Limited (Clearcorp) is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Clearing Corporation of India Ltd. (CCIL) which consists of all the dealing systems of the Clearcorp. Clearcorp Dealing Systems (India) Limited has four business segments viz. Triparty Repo (Dealing) Segment, Forex Dealing Segment, Repo Dealing Segment and IRS Dealing Segment.



"Negotiated Dealings System-Order Matching (NDS-OM)" is a platform for Anonymous Trading and OTC Trade Reporting in Government Securities. It is owned by "Reserve Bank of India" and managed by "Clearcorp Dealing Systems (India) Limited". 

It's Membership is available to all entities who are eligible to invest in Government Securities as specified by Government of India and holding Subsidiary General Ledger (SGL) Account with Reserve Bank of India, subject to approval of membership to the said system by "Reserve Bank of India" with any pre-requisites and conditions as may be specified from time to time.


The following entities shall be eligible to participate in the Call, Notice and Term Money Markets, both as borrowers and lenders:

(a) Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding Local Area Banks);

(b) Payment Banks;

(c) Small Finance Banks;

(d) Regional Rural Banks;

(e) State Co-operative Banks, District Central Co-operative Banks and Urban Co-operative Banks (hereinafter Co-operative Banks); and

(f) Primary Dealers.

For more information, refer Master Direction - Reserve Bank of India -


The following minimum eligibility criteria shall apply for grant of Membership to the Repo Dealing Segment of Clearcorp.

The applicant shall –

a) Be a Bank/Financial Institution/Primary Dealer/Mutual Fund or a Statutory Corporation or a Body Corporate including a Company as defined in the Companies Act, 1956 or any entity as may be permitted from time to time by Reserve Bank of India to access its NDS or any part thereof;

b) Be a Member of RBI – NDS and / or INIFINET; Provided that in the event of membership to RBI’s NDS and/or INFINET not having been obtained, such entity has put in place and operationalised other secure and efficient IT and communication infrastructure to facilitate connectivity and proper, efficient, secure and smooth functioning of their Dealing Systems as may be prescribed by Clearcorp / Clearing Corporation from time to time; Provided further that in respect of entities who while being members of NDS and/or INFINET do not maintain their SGL and/or Current Account with RBI prior to seeking membership to Clearcorp Repo Dealing Segment, shall have appointed a Designated Settlement Bank of the Clearing Corporation through which it will ensure smooth and proper clearing and settlement of its funds and/or securities obligations arising out of the trades concluded by it on the Repo System.

c) Be an active Member of the Securities Segment of the Clearing Corporation;

d) Not have any record of repeated failure in complying with regulatory requirements;

e) Not have any record of failure in honouring its obligations promptly;

f) Not have been subject to an order of statutory disqualification or an order of similar effect issued by a regulatory authority;

g) Have adequate risk management systems in place and shall have qualified personnel in its employment for effective risk management;

h) Fulfilled Capital Adequacy norms/Minimum Net Worth requirements as laid down by their respective regulators; if no such norm is prescribed or if the applicant is exempted from fulfilling the same, then the applicant shall have minimum Net Worth as stipulated by Clearcorp ;

 i) Be a profitable organization (must have reported operating profits in at least two out of three financial years immediately preceding the date of application); 

j) Provided that Clearcorp at its discretion may exempt any entity as specified in 2.3 (a) above, from the requirement of paras 2.3 (h) and 2.3 (i) above; 

k) Have experienced and qualified personnel in its treasury and/or finance departments; 

l) Have requisite IT and communication infrastructure to facilitate connectivity and smooth functioning of the dealing systems. 

No entity shall be admitted as a Member of Clearcorp if- 

  1. Proceedings for winding up have commenced or if it has been ordered to be wound up or a provisional liquidator/ receiver/official liquidator has been appointed for such an entity; 
  2. Has compounded with its creditors for less than full discharge of debts save if such acts of compounding as are carried out in the normal course of its business as a part of a restructuring process;
  3. Has been barred by an order of a Court/Government/Regulatory body for any violation of law;
  4. Has been at any time declared a defaulter under any Law or by any regulatory body;
  5. Has been previously refused admission to Clearcorp unless the period of one year has elapsed since the date of last rejection;
  6. Notwithstanding anything contained herein, the Board shall have the power to amend, alter, vary or exempt the eligibility criteria for admission to Membership.


For Direct Member:

The following minimum eligibility criteria shall apply for grant of Membership to the Triparty Repo Dealing Segment of Clearcorp.

A) Be a Bank/ Financial Institution/ Primary Dealer/ Mutual Fund or a Statutory Corporation or a body corporate including a Company as defined in the Companies Act, 1956 or any entity as may be permitted from time to time by Reserve Bank of India to access its Negotiated Dealing System (NDS) or any part there of

B) Simultaneously obtain membership of Clearing Corporation’s Securities Segment 

C) Should be a Member of RBI e-Kuber and INIFINET 

D) Do not have any record of repeated failure in complying with the regulatory requirements 

E) Should not have been subject to an order of statutory disqualification or an order of similar effect issued by a regulatory authority

F) Should have adequate risk management systems in place and shall have qualified personnel in its employment for effective risk management fulfilled Capital Adequacy norms/ Minimum Net Worth requirements as laid down by their respective regulators; if no such norm is prescribed or if the applicant is exempted from fulfilling the same, then the applicant shall have minimum Net Worth as stipulated by Clearcorp 

G) Should be a profitable organization (must have reported operating profits in at least two out of three financial years immediately preceding the date of application); Provided that Clearcorp at its discretion may exempt any entity as specified in 1(a) above, from the requirement of Sub–rules (g) and (h) above

H) Should have experienced and qualified personnel in its treasury and/ or finance departments

I) Should requisite IT and communication infrastructure to facilitate connectivity and smooth functioning of the dealing systems.

For Associate Member (Which are not direct members of CCIL or Member coming through a settlement bank)

A) Not be eligible, as per RBI guidelines, to open SGL Account and/or Current Account with RBI

B) Simultaneously obtain membership of Clearing Corporation’s Securities Segment for Clearing and Settlement of Triparty Repo trades 

C) Should be familiar with treasury operations

D) Should have experienced and qualified personnel in its treasury and/or finance departments; 

E) Should have adequate risk management systems in place and shall have qualified personnel in its employment for effective risk management

F) Should not have any record of failure in honouring its obligations to the market intermediary, which shall be duly certified by its internal auditors.


The following minimum eligibility criteria shall apply for grant of Membership to the Rupee Derivatives Dealing Segment of Clearcorp. The applicant shall –

A) Be eligible to enter into OTC Derivative transactions as per eligibility criteria specified by RBI for this purpose from time to time

B) Be an active Member of the Rupee Derivatives Guaranteed Settlement Segment of Clearing Corporation

C) Not have any record of repeated failure in complying with regulatory requirements

D) Not have any record of failure in honouring its obligations promptly

E) Not have been subject to an order of statutory disqualification or an order of similar effect issued by a regulatory authority;

F) Have adequate risk management systems in place and shall have qualified personnel in its employment for effective risk management

G) Have experienced and qualified personnel in dealing operations in Treasury Department

H) Have requisite IT and communication infrastructure to facilitate connectivity and smooth functioning of the dealing systems.


The following eligibility criteria shall apply for grant of Membership to the Forex Dealing segment of Clearcorp:

The applicant shall:-

A) Be an Authorized Foreign Exchange Dealer

B) Have adequate risk management systems and policies in place and qualified Personnel in its employment for effective risk management.

C) Be a member of Forex Settlement Segment of Clearing Corporation.

D) Have experienced and qualified personnel in its treasury and/or finance departments.

E) Have requisite IT and communication infrastructure to facilitate connectivity and smooth functioning of the dealing systems.