

FX-CLEAR, a forex dealing system, which was launched by Clearcorp on August 7, 2003, offers two modes of dealing i.e. Order Matching mode and Negotiation mode. 

The platform provides for trading in the following instruments:

a.    SPOT (Interbank SPOT, Reference rate SPOT, Customer SPOT)
b.    Short tenor Swaps viz Cash/Tom, Cash/Spot, Tom/Spot
c.    Long tenor swaps (Spot over 12 months)
d.    LD/LD (Month 1 end over Month 2 end)
e.    Outright forward (Month 1 end and Month 2 end)
f.     Rolling Month Swaps (Spot over 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th month)
g.    Quarter-end-over Quarter-Start.

The platform offers guaranteed settlement from the point of trade for all the trades concluded on the Order Matching Mode of the platform, wherein these trades are automatically sent to Clearing Corporation. Accordingly, Clearing Corporation (CCIL) is the Counterparty for these Trades.